
Paul G. Miller

Paul has been the Chief Financial Officer with LSC from almost the beginning. First, we were Large Systems Consultants. Then we learned that "consultants" denoted poor credit risks to some people and we changed our name to Large Storage Configurations. That name seemed to confuse some people and was long to write. So finally we became just plain LSC. That name didn't mean much of anything to anyone, no pluses or minuses, so now we've kept it as our name and made it legal.

Paul's productivity is the highest at LSC in terms of output per $ cost. He works hard for LSC and receives no pay. Thus his productivity (work product divided by cost) assymptotically approaches infinity. He goes to his office in Brooklandville, Maryland, every day.

Otherwise, Paul is retired. Still a member of some corporate boards and active in community affairs in Baltimore and Annapolis. Loves to play golf and make $100 bets with the LSC sales force on when their orders will close. Lives with his wife and a German Shepherd dog in suburban Baltimore.